Foreach loop and map works pretty much the same. The only difference between these two is the return. In case of Foreach loop, you loop through all the items, modify them, but there is no return so you have store them in separate array inside the loop one by one. But in case of map,
In this tutorial, you will learn how to uncheck a radio button using javascript. Radio buttons are used to provide multiple choices to a user. In one group of radio buttons, a user can select only one. If there is only one correct answer to a certain question, then radio buttons should be used. You
In this tutorial, you will learn how to check a radio button using javascript. A radio button is a tiny circle that you can check or uncheck. Radio buttons are used whenever you want to provide a limited number of choices to a user, but he can only select one of them. Whenever you check
In this tutorial, you will learn how to uncheck a checkbox using javascript. Checkboxes are used to provide limited number of options to a user. As a result, a user can select one or more options. If there are multiple possible correct answers to a certain question, then checkboxes should be used. You must have
In this tutorial, you will learn how to uncheck all checkboxes in javascript. A checkbox by default is always unchecked, but we can make use of the checked attribute to change its status to checked. If you have multiple checkboxes, then unchecking all checkboxes one by one could be time-consuming for a user and that